“No Frills” Tarot Series: Get Out of Bed Spread

We’ve all been there. There’s just those days where we just don’t feel like doing anything. Call it malaise, call it fatigue, call it laziness–call it whatever you want. Human beings just want to chill sometimes. And sometimes, chilling is exactly what the doctor ordered. Other times, chilling is not an option (anyone have a job? Kids? Dreams?). So what do you do to get yourself off the King-size and into the real world? Throw this spread. And then do the things.

  1. Why am I still in here?
  2. What’s it going to take to get me out of here?
  3. The carrot at the end of the stick.

This spread can be applied in both the literal and the figurative sense. Basically, it’s meant to give you a shot of caffeine when you’re flagging big time. And as far as position three is concerned? That’s the treat you give yourself when you’ve done the damn thing even though you didn’t want to. Because you deserve it.

Much Love and Happy Cardslinging,


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