The Get Focused, Get Moving Biz Spread

In case it’s not “smack yourself in the face” obvious, I run a metaphysical business, and it’s by far one of the most challenging and demanding aspects of my life (and I have a three year old, so that’s saying something). As such, I’m constantly checking in with myself in terms of it, and as a tarot reader, this translates to giving myself biz readings a couple times a week to make sure that my focus and energies are being channeled in the right direction.

When I consult tarot for business, I’m not asking the “big questions.” In other words, I’m not trying to pinpoint the event that influences my continued resistance to change. Rather, I’m asking, “Which is best for today’s energies–blog post or video? Should I work on the email subscription opt-in (which is morphing into an unexpectedly behemoth text, so keep your eyes peeled for a free gem) or should I begin conceptualizing a deck? Of course, these questions are super personal, and a spread designed with them in mind wouldn’t be very useful to the general public (if you want to learn more about designing your own spreads, start here). However, there are some days when I need to look at my biz more holistically, and it’s on those days that I write spreads that are share-worthy. This spread is one of those spreads.

The Get Focused, Get Moving Biz Spread

  1. Where is it most beneficial for me to direct my focus?
  2. Where is it most beneficial for me to direct my efforts?
  3. What am I missing in terms of my business?
  4. What is my most valuable asset, and how can I better capitalize on it?
  5. What am I seriously kicking ass at right now?
  6. What direction should I be moving in? Where should I be looking in terms of growth?

If you’re looking for a more intense read, this spread could easily be converted into an eight card spread by isolating the second clause in position four and the second question in position six and giving them each their own card. Personally speaking, my favorite spreads are three-card, six-card, and eight-card, and the six card spread hits the perfect sweet spot of just enough information. I tried this spread out a few days ago and the read was fairly decent–nothing earth-shattering, but again, inspiring earth-shattering revelations isn’t necessarily what it’s designed for. Sometimes, we metaphysical biz owners need something clear and direct to guide us, and if that’s what you’re looking for, this spread’s the ticket.

Much Love,



If you’re looking for more tarot spreads like this one, enroll in the FREE Reading Tarot Intuitively E-course!

You’ll receive three audio lessons to support your intuitive reading skills as well as a link to download Tarot Spreads for the Brave + Curious, a collection of 20 tarot spreads for love, career, and self-discovery.


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