Free Your Mind Tarot Spread

Hello, Beauties!

I’m currently packing my bags for a long weekend trip to Cape May, NJ. For those of you familiar with the Jersey Shore, I assure you–this is nothing like it. Think Victorian village on a narrow spit of land. Basically, this town is my personal witchy dream.


Victorian Villa in Downtown Cape May

Because I’m preparing to get down and dirty with some R&R, I’m posting a spread that I wrote quite a bit ago called the Free Your Mind Spread. I know I shared it on Insta, but I’m fairly certain I have yet to share it here. So, here’s a six card shadow work spread for those who are serious about moving through the blocks.

The Illuminated Tarot

1. Where are the seeds of my doubt? What do they reveal about my insecurities?

2. Where do I sustain the greatest losses when I allow my fears to take control?

3. What is the core of my disbelief? What prevents me from holding space for my intuition?

4. What actionable steps can I take to move beyond negative feedback loops and into the seat of my power?

5. What actionable steps can I take to nurture self-love and self-belief? What can I do to convince myself that I’m worthy of the life I desire?

6. Kick-ass oracle to make you feel like a rockstar.

I use this spread when I’m reconsidering a shadow I’ve already addressed, or when I know that I’m acting a fool but have no idea why. It’s helped me gain clarity so I could stop the self-sabotage and get back on track with who I am and what I want. It seems to attract cosmic presents of understanding, so if you’re confused and you want to work through it, give it a try!

If you’re looking for more tarot spreads like this one, enroll in the FREE Reading Tarot Intuitively E-course!

You’ll receive three audio lessons to support your intuitive reading skills as well as a link to download Tarot Spreads for the Brave + Curious, a collection of 20 tarot spreads for love, career, and self-discovery.


3 responses to “Free Your Mind Tarot Spread”

  1. Thank you for the spread. I am at a point today in which I could really use it’s wisdom. Have an amazing time on your trip! <3

    1. Thank you! I hope the spread gives you an awesome reading <3

  2. Thomas O'Malley Avatar
    Thomas O’Malley

    Jessi, do you have a tarot spread for clearing away obstacles (not inner negative beliefs or blocks) to achieving your goals? Thanks.

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